Publisher:Artepharm Time:2017-02-23Browse:2029 font size:【large】【middle】【small】
On behalf of ARTEQUICK®, a drug for Malaria Treatments, PT Trifa Raya Laboratories was the only Indonesian company with a malaria drug which was invited and became the sponsor for the 7th ASEAN CONGRESS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY, held on 17-19 May 2016 in Malang, Indonesia.
The 1st ASEAN CONGRESS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY was conceived and inaugurated in 2004 with several concerns for providing an affordable platform for scientists, researchers, and public health practitioners from the ASEAN nations, especially those whose interests are within the fields of Tropical Medicine, Parasitology, and Zoonosis, to actively exchange information, to share knowledge or recent research results, as well as to establish a mutual network between scientists.
In this occasion, as the host of the 7th ASEAN CONGRESS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY, The Faculty of Medicine of Brawijaya University (Universitas Brawijaya) focused the discussion on the following topic : Combating the Big Three of Infectious Diseases (HIV-AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria), and Increasing Awareness towards the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD).
More than 200 medical doctors and scientists, professional clinicians, and public health organizations from many cities of Indonesia actively participated on this three-day event. Moreover, 27 experts coming from other countries (Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, China, India, Pakistan, Singapore, Japan, Australia, and Korea) shared and discussed their science literatures and clinical journals related to the Congress topic.
Last but not least, the Director General of Indonesian Health Ministry also attended the Congress and stated that the topic discussed in the Congress was very crucial so it became a concern for the government. Additionally, they would like to discuss more about it in the near future.
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