Artepharm & Trusted Pharmacy partners with Nigerian Medical Association
Publisher: Artepharm Time:2017-02-23Browse:1433 font size:【large】【middle】【small】
The 4th to 8th of August became engraved dates in the diaries of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and Trusted Pharmacy & Chemists Of West Africa.
The NMA(Abuja Chapter) held its 55th Annual Scientific Conference and General Meeting where a team from the manufacturing firm of Artequick, Artepharm China, came to give a research presentation. The conference had doctors, medical experts and business stakeholders in the pharmaceutical industry in attendance.
The team lead by the General Manager of Artepharm China delivered a well appreciated presentation on Elimination of Malaria by Mass Drug Administration with Artequick in Malaria Prone Areas. In addition to the scientific conference was a showcase of Artequick at the exhibition stage of the conference. This presentation was also part of the NMA Continuing Medical Education points. Hence, the attendance of doctors were more than 300 from different hospitals in Abuja
Artequick® is a new generation of artemisinin–based combination therapy of Artemisinin plus Piperaquine, which is adopted in the project of Fast Elimination of Malaria by Source Eradication (FEMSE) implemented by Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, on Moheli island in 2007, on Anjouan island in 2012 and on Grande Comoros island in 2013, in Comoros. After the project was completed, malaria was successfully curbed in Comoros and the country has promptly leveled its high transmission settings to low ones. Meanwhile, Artequick® has broad virgin market in Nigeria.
Visibility at the scientific conference gave an opportunity for medical consultants and pharmaceutical stakeholders who spoke highly of Artequick to encourage Artepharm to scale up research and increase our product presence in the Nigerian market .
The NMA scientific conference is held every year with the aim of improving the efficiency of Nigeria’s Health Care delivery. The Scientific AGM held by the Abuja chapter of the NMA is reknowned to be the Mother of all AGM’s in Nigeria. It was attended by a host of other exhibitors and visitors that surpassed 120,000 with much national media presence.
Climaxing the team visit from Artepharm China was a session with the medical representatives of Trusted Pharmacy & Chemists Of West Africa who sought clarification and answers on questions raised from previous field work concerning Artequick and other generics.
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