
Journalists of South Sudan Paid Visit to Artepharm

Publisher: Time:2017-02-23Browse:1626 font size:【large】【middle】【small

On 11th November, deputy editor of the Citizen of South Sudan, together with journalists from Nation TV, the Viewer, Juba Observer came to visit Artepharm for the purpose of knowing more about how Fast Elimination of Malaria by Source Eradication (FESME) helps sub-Sahara countries control malaria and stop malaria’s transmission.

In the conference, our company members introduced the remarkable achievements of the FESME project in Comoros, which was supported by the Ministry of Commerce of China. As is known, malaria is a severe tropical disease that scourges African people a lot, and also a severe worldwide public health issue. After our staffs have answered all the doubts and puzzles, journalists from the South Sudan indicated that they would introduce this new approach to malaria control to their country to save more lives of their people and reduce the consumption of the national health resources.

When the conference was over, journalists visited the GLP (good laboratory practice), Safety Evaluation Centre for Drugs, Pharmacological Research Centre, and Research Center of Modern Engineering for Chinese Patent Medicine, etc. They were all attracted by the impressive scenery of Sci-tech Industrial park.

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