Artepharm Attended the Economic and Trade Forum between Guangdong Province and African Countries
Publisher:Artepharm Time:2017-02-24Browse:1484 font size:【large】【middle】【small】
Aiming at promoting cooperation between Cantonese companies and African countries, Over 30 African countries’ ambassadors paid visit to Guangdong province in the mid of December under the promotion of the developing and reforming commission of Guangdong province and the commerce department of Guangdong province.
Ambassadors visited city of science museum in Guangzhou on December 18. Artepharm, as a Cantonese company of high-tech, attended the exhibition with the latest anti-malaria drug. Our company members introduced the FEMSE program and the forth-generation anti-malaria drug, Artequick® to the guests. And this attracted all ambassadors presented, they all walked nearby to inquiry the characteristic of this ACT drug and FEMSE program.
In the afternoon, ambassadors attended the Economic and Trade Forum between Guangzhou Province and African Countries in Dongfang Hotel. Lv Chengxi, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission of Guangdong province looked back on the achievements since the opening and reform. Chen Yuehua, Deputy Head of Department of Commerce in Guangdong province, stated the policy and conception to enhance the connection in economic and trade field between Guangdong proving and African countries, and expressed the strong will to deepen the communication and cooperation for a flourishing future.
Afterwards, ambassadors talked to Chinese companies freely, Togo, Sudan, Sierra Leone and some other countries showed great interests in the drug and the new approach to eliminate the malaria. Ambassadors of the above countries had in-depth conversation with us about our remarkable achievements of FEMSE program in the Comoros “It is really something you are doing now” Kumba Alice Momoh, ambassadors of Sierra Leone praised.
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