
Launch of the fight against malaria

Publisher: Artepharm Time:2017-02-24Browse:1240 font size:【large】【middle】【small

"Defeating malaria is a victory for the economy"
The fight against malaria through Mass Drug Administration in Ngazidja was launched in the afternoon of Thursday, October 10 in Mkazi Ya Bambao. The event has been a big ceremony attended by the President of the Union and its government, the governor of Ngazidja, commissioners, prefects and mayors, villages’ chiefs and the diplomatic corps. 
Migration flows 
The ceremony, which has been massively attended by the population, provided an opportunity for the Chinese Ambassador to officially give the drugs to the vice president in charge of Health. Several speeches were made for the occasion. Youssouf Mohamed Boina expressed his joy, and reaffirmed the confidence that the entire city of Mkazi has in President Ikililou Dhoinine. "We are ready to accompany you wherever you want to drive us, even in the depths of the horizon," said the dignitary. Ali Abdullah, who spoke on behalf of the dignitaries of Ngazidja, thanked all the initiators of this project, especially the People's Republic of China that was acclaimed with a rain of applause. He also called on health authorities to take a look at the other diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Chinese Ambassador, whose country is the initiator of the malaria fast elimination project in the Comoros, through Artequick, announced that this project will be funded with Comorian Francs 1.2 billion. "We applaud the efforts of the two governments to quickly eliminate this scourge," he said. Wang Leyou did not fail to mention the success that this operation had in Mwali and Ndzuwani. However, the diplomat said that this campaign in Ngazidja will face a problem of migration flows. Governor Mouigni Baraka spoke of statistics showing that about 40,251 cases registered in the Comoros, 40,141 are registered in Ngazidja". The Chief Executive of the island stated that "the fight against malaria is a victory for the economy of our country." 

For the Head of State, the fight began when he was vice president in charge of Health and has talked about the difficulties and pressures he had when he approved this project. "But with all the success it has had, everybody is approving it now," said President Ikililou Dhoinine. 
Therefore, he noted that the Clinton Foundation, which had not accepted this project, is now satisfied with the "quick and convincing results." The president made an impassioned appeal to domestic and international partners to support the project, which is, according to him, “a real measure to reduce expenses for Comorians” who had to pay around Comorian Francs 40,000 for treatment. “Imagine a family of six, how will they afford that? He asked before thanking the audience for coming out to show their support for the malaria fast elimination project in the Comoros. 

Nassila Ben Ali 

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