
A delegation led by the Vice-President of the Union of the Comoros has visited Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Artepharm Co. Ltd.

Publisher:Artepharm Time:2017-02-24Browse:1492 font size:【large】【middle】【small

On the morning of August 21, 2013, Dr. Fouad Mohadji, the vice president in charge of the Ministry of Health of the Union of the Comoros, accompanied by a delegation visited Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Professors Li Guoqiao and Song Jianping of the University Research Center on Artemisinin were awarded medals of the president for their great contribution to the elimination of malaria in the Comoros.

Around 10 o'clock, Vice President Mohadji took part in the conference at Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The conference was hosted by Mr. Wang Hongqi, director of the foreign affairs office of the university. The Comorian delegation consisted of Dr. MSA Mliva AHAMADA, Mr. Abdou CHAIBOU BEDJA, technical advisors to the Ministry of Health of the Comoros, Dr ANNE MARIE NADHIFFOU, a doctor at the hospital of Moheli, and Mr. MALIDE AHAMADI, head of the National Malaria Control Program of the island of Anjouan.
The Chinese delegation consisted of Mr. Li Daning, deputy director of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ms. Xiao Pin, Director of the Department of International Cooperation on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Huang Bin, party secretary of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Wang Shengliang, president of the university, Li Guoqiao and Song Jianping of the University Research Center on Artemisinin and members of the malaria control program of the university.

In his speech, Mr. Li Daning praised the efforts of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to help the Comorian people and the government to get rid of malaria. He commended the courage and selflessness of the Chinese medical team. Far from China's borders and despite the hardships of the foreign environment, the team was able to carry out with success the malaria control project in the Comoros funded by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. This team has promoted Sino-African brotherhood and laid the foundation of a new treatment through traditional Chinese medicine.

Later on, Vice President Mohadji spoke and praised the great contribution of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the fight against malaria in the Comoros. On behalf of the President of the Comoros, Mr. Ikililou Madi, he awarded medals of the president to professors Li Guoqiao and Song Jianping of the University Research Center on Artemisinin for their efforts to eliminate malaria in the Comoros. The vice president also thanked the Chinese government and Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for their assistance to the Comorian people. He also asked for the monitoring of the treatment of patients, and the reinforcement of other areas of health cooperation between the two countries.

In 2007, the Comorian government and Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine signed an agreement for the implementation of the malaria control project in the Comoros through Artemisinin based Combination Therapy. With the support of the Chinese Committee on Health and Family Planning, the support of the Chinese Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Commerce, Science and Technology, the assistance of Guangdong Province, and under the leadership of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the project had been carried out in the islands of Anjouan and Moheli, about 400,000 inhabitants, highly malaria-endemic regions. After the implementation of the two first phases of this project, the two islands have become areas with low endemicity. The mortality rate due to malaria has dropped to 0. The prevalence of malaria in these islands has been greatly controlled. This success attracted the attention of the international community and was praised by the Comorian government.

This ceremony organized in order to award medals of the president to professors Li Guoqiao and Song Jianping honors years of efforts to eradicate malaria and lessen the burden of this disease in the Comoros. It is also a ceremony honoring the fourth and latest generation of ACT (Artemisinin based Combination Therapy), called Artequick ®, developed by the research team of Professor Li Guoqiao.

On 25 June of this year, Artepharm sent to the Comoros 1,800,000 doses of antimalarial drugs donated by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to help the Comorian people in the fight against malaria. The third phase of the malaria control project in the Comoros is expected to start in September.

Earlier, the Vice President of the Comoros and his delegation attended the "Sino-African Conference on Health Cooperation" held in Beijing, and also visited Artepharm Co. Ltd. on 18 August in Fengshun, Meizhou.

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