
The health delegation of Madagascar visits Guangdong

Publisher:Artepharm Time:2017-02-24Browse:1191 font size:【large】【middle】【small

On October 7th, 2008, the 3-member health delegation of Madagascar, including Dr Jean René, 
Chief of Madagascar Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Dr Roland, Director of the Center
of Disease Control of Madagascar, arrived in Guangzhou.  
 Accompanied by some leaders of our company, the delegation visited Guangdong Food and Drug
 Administration aiming to know more about the rules on drug  registration, production and marketing 
in China. After visiting Guangdong FDA, the delegation went to Fengshun to visit the Artemisia Base.
 After the visit at the Artemisia base, Dr Jean René has been interviewed by the Fengshun Television.
When visiting Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the delegation has met Professor 

Li Guo Qiao. Professor Li has introduced in detail to the delegation the project of
‘ Fast Elimination of Malaria’ and discussed about the project of fast elimination of malaria in 
Madagascar. Dr Jean René have expressed his high confidence to the project in Madagascar, and 
hope that this project will be lanced soon, and will help Malagasy people to get rid of malaria. 
visiting Guangdong Food and Drug             visiting the Production Base
 interviewed by the Fengshun Television. visiting the Planting Base    
discussing  the project 

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