
City news: Malaria in Africa disappears gradually

Publisher:Artepharm Time:2017-02-24Browse:1297 font size:【large】【middle】【small

Moheli Al-watwan News

Published on March 6th 2008


City news: Malaria in Africa disappears gradually

Few months later, people in Moheli will not worry about malaria any more. According to the statistics, compared to the last year, Centre Hospital in FOMBONI, Moheli only had 6 malarial patients. From Nov.2007 to Jan. 2008, the Moheli government’s project of eradicating malaria had made some achievement with the direction of the technical of Chinese doctors. The inhabitants there were willing to participate in the mass medication, which saved hundreds of people’ lives, especially babies and kids. The inhabitants in Moheli don’t have to ask for mosquito-net to protect them. ARTEQUICK is the miracle of eradicating malaria, which only with 4 tablets and 2 for one day and after 10 days, 1 tablet Prevention Medicine medicated, people can prevent to be infected malaria. “The number of malaria in hospital can prove this method effective. “The 6 patients recorded are those who refused to take medicine, “Dr Rachad Attoumani Bacar(also named Dr Simon) said.

According to Dr Rachad, at the very beginning, the side effects (vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea, and some lung problems) were taken as excuse by those people who refused to take this medicine. He was against to those unhealthy hearsays. “Besides Artequick, any other medicines have some side effect(s), we pay more attention to those people with side effects and help them particularly, trust me, it is not the worst as other people’s hearsays,” emphasized by Dr Rachad.

It is said that the pregnant women with first trimester and kids who are less than 6 months old would not participate in mass medication with Artequick but Piperaquine. However, the babies diagnosed to be infections would have to take Artequick granules for 2 days. Floating population would have to take Artemisinin and Primaquine once every week to prevent malaria as soon as they get off the plane.

People in Moheli congratulated each other on streets, “there is no malaria in Moheli”, and however, our Chinese Doctors are still very careful. “it is hard for us to agree this view ‘no malaria in Moheli,’ but there is one thing can be confirmed, epidemic level of malaria of this island is obviously decreasing, and it will take some time to achieve this goal ‘Moheli without malaria’. In addition, our current data inspected later by WHO will explain the result of this project,” said by a female doctor in Chinese team. Except for the current medication, Chinese Doctor offers electronic pat for killing mosquito. Nowadays, there is few family in Moheli without this pat.

Once the news of malaria eradication in Moheli is confirmed, Chinese Medical Team might go to other 2 islands to continue this project.

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