
President of Comoros Visits GUTCM

Publisher:Artepharm Time:2017-02-24Browse:1183 font size:【large】【middle】【small

Guangzhou: At afternoon on November 9, 2007, Mr. Ahemed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi, President of the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros, with his 4-member delegation, visited Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for further understanding Prof. Li Guoqiao's FCMSE(Fast Control Malaria by Source Eradication) Project in Comoros. 


President Ahemed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi spoke highly of the remarkable progress of GUTCM in the field of teaching, scientific research, medical care and etc. He also especially appreciated Prof. Li Guoqiao and his team and the research staf from Artepharm for their significant contribution to control malaria in Comoros and even the whole African countries.     

Accompanied by Mr. Zhu Layi(CEO of Newsouth Group) and Mr. Huang Deyu(Vice General Manager of Artepharm), the distinguished delegation focused their vist on Guangdong TCM Museum of GUTCM in 15 minutes, listened carefully to Artepharm's researcher on the FCMSE Projet and Artequick-the fourth generation Artemisinin Combination.

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