The Second International Artemisinin Compounds Workshop
Publisher:Artepharm Time:2017-02-24Browse:1219 font size:【large】【middle】【small】
To promote international exchanges of information on artemisinin compounds, Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is initiating ¡°The Second International Artemisinin Compounds Workshop on the Evaluation of Clinical Studies¡±in Guangzhou, China on 16-17, Jan. 2007. Participants will be invited to also join a subsequent two-day (18-19, Jan) field visit to an artemisinin extraction and production facility in Guangdong Province.This visiting activity is freewill and the trip is supported by the meeting. Participants who elect to join this field trip will be returned to Guangzhou at the afternoon of January 19.
The objectives of the workshop are to: 1) discuss results of clinical trials; 2) review progress on the clinical pharmacology of artemisinin compounds; 3) evaluate the present use of artemisinin compounds in malaria treatment strategies; 4) address topics relevant to the economic use of artemisinin compounds in malaria control on a global scale.
Expecting your presentations
We would like to solicit articles from relevant experts around the world and Presentations will be warmly welcomed by the meeting. If you have some good topics and if you want to show your opinion through the meeting, you can send us the copies of your abstracts or your presentations by email and please keep them within one page (A4). Please submit your presentations or articles before 30th November. All the abstracts received will be reviewed by the Workshop Academic Committee.
Members of the Workshop Academic Committee
Prof. Sornchai Looareesuwan Mahidol University, Thailand
Prof. Nicholas J. White Wellcome Trust-Mahidol University-Oxford
Prof. Thomas E. Wellems National Institutes of Health, US.
Dr. Emiliana Tjitra National Institute of Health Research and Development, Indonesia.
Dr. Tran Tihn Hien Center for Tropical Disease, Viet Nam
Prof. Li Guoqiao Guangzhou University of TCM, P.R. China
Prof. Wang Xinhua Guangzhou University of TCM, P.R. China
Prof. Tang Linhua Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Secretary of the Workshop Academic Committee
Prof. Song Jianping Guangzhou University of TCM, P.R. China
For further information please contact:
Center for Artemisia Research
Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
12 Jichang Road, Guangzhou 510405, China
Contactor: Dr. Tan Bo, or Miss Shirley He
Tel: (8620) 86590090 Fax: (8620) 86396290
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