
Comoros seeks help in fighting malaria

Publisher:Gulf Times Time:2017-02-24Browse:1283 font size:【large】【middle】【small

The Comoros Islands, with an average 225,000 malaria cases a year, is seeking Qatar’s support in eradicating the deadly disease.
The Sheikh Jassim bin Mohamed al-Thani charitable organisation recently held a meet of Qatari charitable groups and delegations from the islands and China to discuss the Chinese government’s plan to treat malaria.
Comoros official 
Ahamada Msa Mliva said that his country was also getting support from the World Health Organisation and other UN organisations.“We hope to get the support of many other partners in Qatar,” Msa said, adding “malaria is a barrier for the country’s social and economic development.”
He said eradicating malaria was a national strategy which needed bringing together a broad range of partners.

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