
The Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize 2008

Publisher:Cabinet Office, Government of Japan Time:2017-02-24Browse:1227 font size:【large】【middle】【small

The Government of Japan announces today its decision to award the inaugural Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prizes to Brian Greenwood and Miriam K. Were.

The laureates of each category will be awarded a citation, a medal and an honorarium of 100 million yen (approximately 1 million US dollars) at the award ceremony on 28 May 2008.

Medical Research
Brian Greenwood
, born 1938 in the UK; British citizen; MD 1968 University of Cambridge, UK; Manson Professor of Clinical Tropical Medicine, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

The Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize for medical research is awarded to Brian Greenwood for his bold and innovative work on malaria. At a time when malaria was spreading uncontrollably across the African continent claiming more than 1 million lives a year, Greenwood contributed to creation and designing of effective strategies to control malaria. His crucial contributions in malaria research greatly helped developing the tools and knowledge that are essential in turning the tide on this terrible disease. His work brings hope where very recently only despair existed.

 Brian GREENWOOD                                 Miriam K. WERE

Medical Services

Miriam K. Were, born 1940 in Kenya; Kenyan citizen; Doctor of Public Health, Health Planning and Management 1981, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Co-founder and Health Specialist UZIMA Foundation, Kenya

The Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize for medical services is awarded to Miriam K. Were, whose efforts to bring basic medical services and health rights to women and children in the villages of East Africa has been a beacon of hope for millions of people in Africa and the world. Through her work with African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) and UZIMA Foundation1 , Were has been a source of inspiration for all people on the African continent.

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