Malaria-endemic countries in Southern Africa prepare to embark on a life-saving voyage
Publisher:Artepharm Time:2017-02-24Browse:1245 font size:【large】【middle】【small】
Malaria-endemic countries in Southern Africa prepare to embark on a life-saving voyage on the Zambezi River
Livingstone, Zambia, 21 January 2008 - Angola, Zambia, and Zimbabwe convened today to plan a life-saving expedition that will put the plight of malaria-stricken communities in the spotlight.
The 2-month expedition along the Zambezi River will raise awareness among both local communities and international donors of what is needed to fight malaria and help strengthen cross-border collaboration on malaria-related policies.
The Zambezi Expedition project, supported by 6 countries from the Southern African Development Community, has received financial backing from the nonprofit and the private sectors and will be steered by the Roll Back Malaria Partnership.